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School Closure Optional Activities Home

School Closure Optional Activities Home

Hello Elim Bees!
Please see the navigation bar to the left to select your grade level.


A letter from your Principals!

Dear Parents:

As you know, our school will be closing until April 20th when we plan to reopen. Our teachers have gathered activities for our students to do when they are not in school. All of these activities are OPTIONAL and they WILL NOT be graded or turned back in. These are enrichment activities.

When you visit our website at  look for the School Closure Optional Activities button. This will take you to links for each of our grades. You are welcome to use anything from any grade level. Additionally, you will see additional folders with more links to online resources.

We would also want to let you know that our District Food Services department will be providing lunches to all children 1-18 years of age, regardless if they are students. Lunches are free and are available for pick up. Please see the attached flyer.

Our optional enrichment activities will be available to access as follows:


On our website at  beginning at 3:00 pm today


Grade level Parent Square messages will begin going out at 3:30 pm today


If your child is at school today, or has been at school, their teacher may have already given them the enrichment activities. If not you can 
pick them up in our main hallway today from 3:30-4:30, Thursday and Friday from 7:30-3:30 and Saturday from 9:00-12:00.

During our closure, all of our teachers and case managers will be available via email. They will be checking their emails daily. If you don't know an email address, please visit our website at and click the Elim Staff tab.

Mrs. Mendonca and I will be checking our emails frequently.  If there is anything we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to ask.  We are here for you!

Lisa and Martha